In other news, I had the world's longest period this cycle. It started on Saturday night and just ended on Friday. WTF! I'm taking the letrozole again and trying not to care. My "friend" that's pregnant was so excited about her ultrasound pictures that she hunted me down at work to show them to me. I was hurt but I tried to be excited for her. I just don't understand how she can be so insensitive to me when she is the person that gives me my prescription of letrozole each month. It's like here's your pills because I know you're infertile, they probably won't work this month either, but look at my cute belly and check out my ultrasound pictures. It would be nice if she could throw in a little, "I know this must be hard for you" or "I'm praying for you and Sam". I guess I can't expect that from anyone these days!
I spent yesterday with my best girlfriend Naomi. She is leaving to move back to the states in about a month. I can't imagine getting through my days here without her. She has been such a blessing to me and a wonderful support through everything I've been going through. It's like she gets mad with me when I'm mad, and sad with me when I'm sad. We went to the Caleca factory in Patti yesterday. We each bought and entire set of dishes that are hand painted. Caleca is a sicilian factory that makes dishes for Willi.ams-Son.oma. We got a helluva deal and had such a good time digging through all the patterns. This is the pattern that Naomi got, I couldn't find a picture of mine online. I'll have to take one later. It is beautiful pottery though!

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