Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Cycle is over :(

I had a strange day today. I woke up and decided to test, my period is due today. I braced myself for another negative (I had one on day 11 and day 13). I decided to use the digital that I've had for a while. I peed, saw the little hour glass pop up and started brushing my teeth. And wouldn't you know that after about three minutes, the sucker just went blank. No answer, no nothing. It expired this month so I guess it started to work and then just gave up. I didn't want to waste another test so I have no answer. I started a very slight amount of spotting this afternoon. I'm pretty surprised that I didn't start full on yet. However, I'm pretty sure this cycle is over.
I'm not going to cry or dwell or beat myself up. We had a good cycle, it didn't work, eventually if we have enough good ones in a row, something has got to work right?
I was productive today. I took the tree down, cleaned up, worked out, and I just finished watching Love and Other Drugs. It was pretty good. Jake Gyllenhaal is one sexy muther if I do say so myself. I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers. Hope everyone is a having a great weekend. Stay positive!


  1. Gah.....#@$*#*(*@#(. I am so sorry. What's the next step? One of my fave quotes (from Joan Baez): Action is the antidote to despair.

    Thinking of you. xoxo

  2. So sorry for the negative cycle - ugh. I am also so sorry to read about the loss of your cousin. so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog for de-lurking week. It's neat to have a reader in Italy :) How long are you stationed there for? That must be extra tricky as you deal with IF, as I'm guessing you can't do IF treatments with your insurance while there? I said a prayer for you and God will give you the strength and courage to move forward in whatever direction you go (reminding myself of it as I type, too). xoxo
