- I was in VA when my best friend Naomi became very sick and went into the hospital to have her baby. I was able to be with her through her whole labor, because her husband is away on a shipboard deployment. It was fantastic to take care of her at the old hospital I used to work at and where I soon will work again. Emma is a doll. See for yourself:

And most exciting of all (to me) was the perfect execution of our first IUI. We met with the Dr on Jan 31st and I had one perfect follicle. I got a repeat scan on the first of Feb and my HCG shot. Feb 2nd Sam went and gave his sample and brought it back to our hospital (count was 33 million with 71% motility) and I had my IUI just 2 hours before Emma was born, in the same exact hospital. How cool is that? Then of course I had to leave my husband, my BFF, and little Emma to fly back to Italy for the last time. My dread two week wait began. On Sunday the 12th, my 5th wedding anniversary, I gave into my obsession with peeing on things and had a rather unsatisfactory result with a stupid blue dye cheapo test that I bought. I saw a clear line form immediately, no color in it, it looked just like a stupid evaporation line. The next morning the same thing. My poor husband begged me to stop, I was only 11dpo. But i bought a FR pink dye test that day and took it before I went to bed. And to my surprise this is what I saw!!
That second line formed and I held my breath. I couldn't believe my eyes. I am so grateful. I'm quite aware that it could end at any second but for now Sam and I are ecstatic. I rushed upstairs and called him on skype and told him through tears that he was finally going to be a dad. I so wish we could have been together but we are both so happy about the baby that neither one of us really cares. It's been such a long road and we are so happy to have found our way to this place, it doesn't matter how we got here. I feel truly lucky! We aren't going to tell anyone for awhile but I had to tell someone :) I can't believe it is finally my turn!
Congrats! So much excitement!