I'm struck by how often this is true....life is not fair. There have been a lot of people with failed IVF cycles lately and it is freaking me out. I just wonder if I'll even be able to take the gamble that is IVF. All that money, and expectations, and injections, and hope only to be crushed by disappointment. I honestly don't know if I can handle that. People don't realize how lucky they are to have a baby the old fashioned way. I find myself getting more and more jealous. I'm sick of people just saying "Oh just go get IVF!" Are they going to be there for me when I struggle with my own morality because I'm messing with the fact that God hasn't blessed me with children? Are they going to loan me the $10,000 to try IVF just once? Are they going to comfort me when the whole thing turns out as a bust? No....its just some far away from them solution to offer, because they can't deal with the reality of our life. I'm over it! I'm done talking about infertility with people who don't get it.
I'm done with my rant! I've been holding things together pretty well. I've been working out and cooking up a storm. I found an awesome food blog about mealplanning....something I've always wanted to try. http://themealplanner.blogspot.com/ You should check this out. I made Thai meatballs with peanut butter sauce, meatball subs, and baked potato soup this week. Everything was amazing! I usually don't cook because I have a tendency to burn things, but this week I surprised myself and it was fun.
I hope everyone has a great week!