Hey everyone. I'm still here. Still not pregnant. Still hanging in there. I got my period finally....two days late. Just to mess with me. I'm cycle day 3 today but I can't start meds until I have an U/S tomorrow. My Dr. wants to make sure I don't have any cysts since I had two follies last cycle. Two follies and no baby, WTF?!? I'm trying really hard not to be bitter, but to be thankful instead. I'm hurting though, I've been crying a lot and just feeling really down. I'm just realizing that I have three chances left to get pregnant "on my own" with just the help of a simple, easy pill. I never really thought I would need more intervention than a little clomid or something. It's just another thing for me to grieve over. I never realized that getting pregnant the normal way was ever that important to me, until it was taken away. Well it's just another thing for me to get used to, right?
In keeping with my distraction theme, I sewed all the borders onto my quilt. Here is the finished front. I still have to add the backing, the batting, and the binding and then I actually get to quilt the entire thing. I'm so excited to see the finished product!

I also ran the base to base run yesterday. It's an annual event each March for the base. It's a 7.6 mile run. Last year, I only ran about 3 miles of it. This year I ran 7 miles! I was so proud of myself. Sammy ran too, for the first time in about 5 years. Of course I've been training and he just went out there and ran it, and he still beat me! It was fun, but I am definitely hurting today. Here are some pictures from Saturday.

FRACK on the BFN but AWESOME JOB on your run! 7 miles is a major distance, I am so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteI also just wanted to say that I had multiple follies in all of my Clomid and injects cycles.....it took until our 3rd injects for all of our stars to align. (It's so incredibly hard when everything looks "perfect" on paper not to go doomsday when it doesn't work out, I totally understand.) Please don't let the fact that you didn't get pregnant on this latest cycle with 2 follies deter you from having hope for the next go at it. Lots of bloggies don't get pregnant until their 3rd or 4th or 5th try with Clomid/Femara. Your golden egg is in there, I just know it—I believe for you my friend. Stay strong!!! xoxo