I did a little of one and a lot of the other two....can you guess. Ha! I'm 5 days post ovulation, I think. I never got a really good positive. The line was darker but the whole strip was just lighter than it usually is. I peed on a zillion strips but none of them looked like they usually do. Oh well. I'm kind of digging my "I don't give a shit attitude" lately. I really just have no hope so I'm not paying attention as much this cycle. Now don't get me wrong, I have my moments where I analyze a twinge or get teary thinking that this won't work. But I've pretty much accepted that I am in dire need of assistance to get pregnant. These last few cycles are just a formality and I know that if the drug was going to work for me it would have happened by now. But just the same, I gave this cycle the good old college try and humped my husband when I needed to :)
We also bought a case of heineken this week and I have been indulging in a lovely brew each evening. It has been heaven, don't judge me :)
And finally we had a fantastic hike at this beautiful reserve in southern sicily called Cava Grande del Cassible. We hiked 1.5 miles down hill (a little dangerous, never would people be allowed to go down this trail in the states) to this beautiful river and rapids that turned into a waterfall and two beautiful pools. It was a hard hike up and down but totally worth it and so fun!
I'm finally getting caught up at work and feeling more settled, just in time for my next class to start! I'm taking health care policy this semester, YIPPPEEE, Not! I can't wait to be done with my graduate program, but at this one class per quarter rate, I'll be 60 by the time I'm done. Oh well, it's good for me right?
In other news, my half brother will be coming out to visit me this fall and I couldn't be more excited. I have probably only seen my brother Tony 10x in my whole life. In the last 10 years I have only seen him twice, once at my wedding and once at my dad's funeral. We haven't had a great relationship because of my dad's alcoholism and the close relationship that I had with my dad. My dad was not a good father to Tony, he made no effort to be close with him as his alcoholism progressed. But it's been wonderful getting to know him and healing our relationship. We've been keeping in touch on facebook and emailing. I was so surprised and so touched that he wanted to come out and visit. When we told everyone we were coming to Italy everyone wanted to visit, promised to visit. Only my mother has been here so far. It's annoying. It's such a great opportunity for our families to get out of the states and see the world, and all they've come up with is a lot of excuses. Tony and his girlfriend Tina (who is awesome too) are planning on meeting us in Munich for Oktoberfest and then flying down to Sicily to visit with us. I'm so happy to have something great to look forward to.