Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Letrozole/Femara whatever....

I started my letrozole on cycle day 3 and am taking it as prescribed by my OB until cycle day 9 which is longer that I believe is necessary. He thinks my ovaries are sluggish and that I may need a little extra stimulation. Who knows? I'm on 2.5mg daily for the 7 days. I finish today and have an ultrasound on Tuesday to see if I have anything brewing. I hope I do. On day 5 my OB calls my office and asks me if I started taking it yet. Uhhh, yeah just like you told me to on day 3. Then he launches into this whole story about how I should be taking 5mg per day instead of 2.5mg based on some study he read. I guess he's never really used this before and I am his lab rat. I don't mind, at least I'm not just sitting around doing nothing waiting to get back to the states where I can get some real treatments. Any who, he said we would try the 5mg next month so I am guessing he has no faith int his cycle either. Sigh......
So letrozole is supposed to to be better side effects wise and even has a higher rate of pregnancy (on the 5mg dose). I am not as hot, but I'm still having hot flashes. But I feel a little bit crazier than normal. I'm yelling and flying off the handle and frustrated but that might just be me being me. I'm sad about Christmas and being away from all my nieces and nephews. I'm not loving my job anymore. I'm frustrated that its been another year and I'm STILL NOT PREGNANT.
I'm having a hard time dealing with my friend that is pregnant too. She still hasn't told me but I know because someone else told me. So I just feel plain old awkward around her. I don't know how the hell to relax and just let it be. I catch myself staring at her stomach and thinking she didn't even want this or need this right now. I'm sick of how jealous I have become, of everyone. I wish I could just not care. How do I do that?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's possible to not care, unfort. :( I think all you can do is breathe through the tough interactions and try to limit your exposure to her. I'm not sure how possible that is. But you have to take care of yourself! I'm not saying my way is the right way—basically turning into a social hermit with a pregnant friend group for a year b/c I couldn't deal with my pain and the pregnancies all around me—but it helped me survive.

    As for the femara/letrozole....AWESOME! Don't count this cycle out yet b/c of dosing!! I think that it's pretty standard for a doc to begin with the lower dose and then to increase it based on response. Plus, you're on it a couple days longer than norm, so you're getting a little boost that way, too. I'm hoping so badly that this cycle surprises you!!! A BFP in early 2011 would be soooooooooooo amazing. I'm keeping the hope alive and well!! xo
