Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Always an Aunt, never a Mom.

My beautiful nephew Corbin was born today. I'm already in love with him, although I have not met him. I saw his beautiful face on this afternoon and my heart instantly melted. I played the good aunt and friend, I asked how much he weighed, ooohhhed and ahhhed over his tiny toes and fingers, and listened to my BFF/sis in law's birth story. I smiled and felt true love for this tiny little man that I have never met. But when I hung up, I cried. I held my hubby and I cried. I hate feeling this way. So happy for my friend, but so sad and desperate for myself. I can't help but feel envy and pity for myself. I actually feel sorry for myself, how messed up is that?
The worst part is that my other friend here in is ready to deliver any day too and I promised that I would be her nurse when she does. I'll have to relive this awful feeling again in a few days as I help bring her baby into this world. After that, I have no more close friends waiting to deliver. I'll just sit around and wait for the next pregnancy announcement and start this whole cycle all over again. Uggghhh.....when is it going to be our turn?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Rosie, that must've been so hard. You are SUCH a good friend to your friends. You are a good, good egg. Of course you are happy for them, it just hurts so bad b/c you want this for you and hubs too. Hang in there girl. After this delivery, time to take care of yourself. Your poor little heart needs some respite from the baby-ness everywhere. xoxo
