Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, 30 June 2012

23 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: +11 pounds. Yikes! I still feel like that isn't too bad, right? I gained the 6 back that I lost plus another 11 so far. Hopefully it doesn't stay at this alarming rate but my belly is getting BIG. And honestly I love it :)
Maternity Clothes:  I haven't even bothered with regular clothes. The maternity ones are so comfortable and I've been waiting almost 5 years to wear them, why not indulge right?
Sleep: Sleeping okay, but having a lot of leg cramps in the evenings which gives me restless legs.  I am still pretty exhausted so I'm ready for bed early these days. I start night shifts on Monday, it's gonna be rough but I do like working nights better.
What I'm Eating: I'm still pretty hungry most days but can't eat as much as usual at each setting. I can't even finish a whole sandwhich or burger! But I'm always hungy about an hour and a half later. I've been tearing up some fruit because everything is so fresh these days. I love summer! 
What do I miss: I still long for a glass of white wine or a cold beer....and sleeping on my stomach :) But I can live without these.
What am I excited for: I received all my quilting fabric and my new sewing machine so I'm pretty excited to get cracking on the little guy's room. I found some weiner dog fabric and I'm pretty darn excited about it :)
Movement: I'm feeling my little man moving all over the place these days. If I'm laying on my back I can even see my belly move! He is especially active in the early mornings, he even wakes me up sometimes. I love feeling him rolling around and being rambunctious.

Things have been moving right along over here. We registered on Thursday which made the whole thing a 100x more real and even a little scary. I'm getting nervous about if he gets sick or when I'll have to leave him the first time. But I'm also excited and so grateful to get this opportunity. I know I will try my best to be a good mom to my little guy.

We finally decided on a name too! It'll be....Oliver Anthony.  We both loved the name Oliver and Anthony is after my dad who passed away 10 years ago.  I feel really good about it, and am glad we can call him Ollie instead of "the kid" or "the baby".
Some Belly Pictures:
20 Weeks
23 Weeks with Satchelpants
23 Weeks

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Trucking Right Along...

This pregnancy is starting to fly by! I'm 20+4 today and feeling this little guy quite frequently. I felt something about a week and a half ago but I wasn't sure. Now he's moving all over,flipping and even kicking so hard that it made me belly move a couple of times. Sam can't feel anything yet even though we've tried a few times to catch it.  I'm gaining weight and am officially up 5 lbs :( I know it's normal and fine to gain weight but it freaks me out to see that number creeping up now....but I can handle it.My belly is definitely getting bigger and I am in all maternity clothes. I love wearing maternity clothes, I may never go back to normal jeans. Stretchy waists is the way to go :)
 I am enjoying my break from school and starting to nest. I have narrowed down my selections for fabric choices for this little guy's quilt and we picked out some paint colors. I still haven't started the registry but hopefully soon. Here are a few belly pictures (I can't figure out how to get them to flip) :
19 weeks
16 weeks

Friday, 1 June 2012

And Suddenly I'm out numbered !!!!

IT'S A BOY!!!!!  And I kind of had an inkling :) I just had a strange nagging feeling that it was a little dude in there. I am mourning the loss of the idea of a little girl (I named her Penelope) but I am stoked to think of the little man that will be here in a few short months. I am 19 weeks today and feeling good. My little belly is poking out a bit and now that I know what we are having we can start shopping! Watch out people this girl has got money to burn!

We got some great pictures during the ultrasound. He wasn't moving much though. I guess my uterus is tilted causing him to slide down and stay laying at the bottom by my bladder and cervix. No wonder I still have to pee every five minutes. He put his business on display for us and Sam was so excited. I know he really wanted a boy so it was great to make his dream come true.  Especially since he already made mine a reality just by creating this little man.

Here are some pictures:

Isn't he just the cutest?! We still haven't decided on a name yet but we have three that we like: Oliver, Benjamin, and Archer. Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful!