Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Again with the changes!

There is a lot going on....again! Sammy has always hoped that when we return to the states that he would be able to return to his position at the water treatment plant in VA without any difficulty. He loved that job, they loved him, they told him they would love to have him back if we are ever in the area again. But with the economy the way it is, they haven't been able to back up the guarantee and there have been no positions posted for his type of position in over 6 months. I was trying to be a good wife so I decided to offer "If any positions post soon, just go back and try and get one." Granted I am 9 months away from being back in the states at this point. I thought maybe in the fall or the winter he would go back. I can deal with a few months of separation, right? Wouldn't you know the very next day 2 positions posted. Needless to say he applied for both and we are currently waiting to find out what will happen. But I could be what the navy calls a geo-bachelor for the next 9 months. Talk about putting a cramp in our attempts to try to have a baby on our own for the next 9 months :) I can handle it, but I am a little annoyed that I suggested it and that he is so excited to leave me. I know he has missed making his own money and missed the states. But I guess our travels are over, our 3 year Italian honeymoon is over :( Now we wait.
Speaking of waiting....I still have not gotten my period. I'm cycle day 70 at this point. How annoying is that? I even took a cheapo pregnancy test yesterday, negative of course! I think I ovulated about 12 days ago, I timed intercourse, but I should get my period tomorrow. Oh well. At least it's a few month break from stupid tampons and cramps!
How about some positivity? Here are some good things:
  • Summer in Si.cily is fantastic. The fruit, the sun, the sea! We've spent EVERY weekend at the beach. I have a pretty awesome tan.
  • Granita and brioche- Ice cream for breakfast pretty much. It's an icier form of gelato served with a huge lightly sweet roll. You rip the roll and dip it in the granita. It's to die for!
  • Quilting- I started a baby quilt for my friend Shannon. It is so beautiful. I totally wish I could keep it. Quilting keeps me sane, I cannot think of anything else while I'm doing it so it's a great stress reliever and helps me keep my mind off of Sam leaving or my inability to bear a child.
  • Being a real nurse - I had two deliveries this week at work. I helped out with a 19 week delivery this week. The lady was torn up and alone and I was there for her. It reminds me that I can really help people in a bad time in their life. It makes it all worth it! I also helped out a co-worker who was delivering. 2 couples at work have requested me as their nurse, it makes me feel LOVED!!! I miss delivering babies and it's so fun to get in there and do what I love, for friends that I love. I have one more delivery this month (Shannon) and I am excited.
  • Feeling better- Even with all the deliveries, I'm feeling better. I'm handling other peoples joy with grace and even starting to be really excited for them. I haven't really cried about infertility in awhile. I'm even able to listen to my BFF complain about her morning sickness. She is so sweet, she cried because she was so sick and then she felt bad for complaining about it to me. She is the best, she knows how I'm hurting and she thinks of me. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Monday, 4 July 2011


Sorry I've been MIA lately.....I probably shouldn't joke about that considering who I work for :) But between all the baby announcements and my impending grad school summer quarter that was about to begin I was ready for my Spanish Med Cruise. IT WAS AWESOME!!! I've never been on a cruise before, and yes we were among the youngest present. We had to change our dinner time from 6pm to 8:30pm because the entire room was filled with cotton heads and geriatrics. The shows were crap and the pool was small. But the food was fantastic, the ports were beautiful, and I slept like a damn baby every single night. We stopped in Palma de Mallora, Barcelona, Ibiza, Malaga, and Gibralter. We did have a problem getting to Palma and getting home due to a missed plane which resulted in $700 worth of new tickets bought in the airport, sleeping in the Barcelona airport, and losing out on one night of our beach front hotel room in Palma. But we made it there and we made it home and we had a truly wonderful vacation. But after all the travel trouble my bank account and my patience are slight sick of traveling. Sam and I decided to focus on saving for the next two months and scrapped our Greece trip. Our next trip will be Oktoberfest with my big brother in mid September. Until then we are saving for our upcoming move back to the states which will require us to buy our first house, two newer cars, and hopefully an IVF cycle :)
I started school again, taking advance pathophysiology this time. It's tough, but its actually fun to learn this kind of stuff. I haven't had a period since the day before mother's day so I'm on like cycle day 50-something. I'm trying hard not to keep track and just give myself the break I need. I have nothing to pee on in the house (pregnancy test or opk) so that helps. I'm just listening to my body, guessing and daydreaming about being home and getting treatments, and enjoying my summer with my hubby.
Unfortunately when I returned home I found out one of my two expecting friends had a miscarriage (not my BFF). She works with me and had told EVERYONE at like 5 weeks that she was pregnant. She was having such a hard time and I am the bereavement counselor so I met with her. They are handling it so well. She said she had a hard time talking about it to me, because she knows our story (kind of) and it was so easy for them to get pregnant, and she thinks it will be easy for them again. I'm sure it will be, but it kind of stung me. But I sucked it up because her grief and her story isn't about me. I love doing my bereavement work because I get to help someone else. It truly makes me feel unselfish and useful.
Have a beautiful week everyone!