Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Over Acheiver

There go my ovaries again, showing off and stuff. I had one 17x20 on the right and one 18x22 on the left. WTF!!! Letrozole isn't supposed to have a risk of multiples! I'm riding high on my hopeful and optimistic ultrasound. This is the good part of the month, the time when anything could happen. When I start thinking, "Why not me?" Best part of the day was that 20 minutes after my appt. my wonderful husband called to ask "How did that thing go?" He doesn't show it much but he cares :) I was happy to tell him the good news and he promptly said "That's great, but don't get your hopes up." He's protecting me. Send some good vibes my way....only three chances left after this cycle and then I'm benched, FOR A YEAR! It's now or never right?

Monday, 21 February 2011

In honor of distraction.

I've been keeping busy for two reasons. #1 My BFF Naomi just left the island of Sicily for good on Saturday morning. This sucks for me because at least 75% of my free time was spent hanging out, working out, or chatting on the phone with her. I'm gonna miss that girl! #2 It's cycle day 13, I'm about to ovulate, and I'm sick of thinking about failed cycles, hopeful cycles, and everything in between.

This is my buddy Naomi on her last night here :(

So to keep busy and distract myself I did A LOT this weekend, which was a long one because of president's day. I finished a huge group project for my finance and economics of health care class. Thank God too, because that sucker was looming over my head for the last 7 weeks and isn't due until March 10th. Plenty of time for fixing it up with my group, but at least my part is DONE!!!! Yeah!
I also started quilting, and I must say I'm a little obsessed. I've been watching one of my new friends here start a new quilt and she was teaching me little by little. I bought all my own materials and started out on my very first lap quilt. I bought a ton of blue, green, brown, gray colors on line and had them shipped to me. I borrowed a sewing machine from a friend, bought all the cutting and sewing supplies and I was on my way.
I spent about 2 hours yesterday ironing all my fabrics after I washed them. Then I cut them all. I learned how to use the sewing machine with a little help from my friend. After all that you couldn't stop me. I was on fire. I cut everything, pieced it all together and now I just have to figure out how to arrange my squares. Quilting is so much fun. I couldn't ask for a better distraction. I posted some pictures below so you can see the progression.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Making Decisions.

As I said in my last post I've been thinking....a lot. Mostly about Navy career. I've felt a lot of pressure to stay in the Navy, especially over the last 4 months of this new administrative job that I have. I could do it. I could stay in, finish up my masters degree, finish up a second masters degree, sit in an office, make a lot of money, move around the world, play the game, possibly lose my husband and probably never be in one place long enough to get the help we need to have a child. PHEW!(that was a long run-on, sorry!) But I'm not going to. I'm going to be true to myself and what Sam and I are hopeful for. It sure sounds like a lot of fun to move around every three years, but it's not. Parts of it are, but no one tells you about the sucky stuff. The broken and stolen personal items, the living without your stuff for two months because it's "in transit", the fact that your husband can't find a job that pays more than $10 and hour because of bullshit labor laws, the loneliness that lasts about a year every time you move, saying goodbye to good friends every couple of months because it's their turn to move. Don't get me wrong the Navy has been good to me but it might be my turn to move on. I always thought I would get out when I was done with my time, but they sucked me in with promises of retirement benefits, $, and promotions. I'm ashamed to say that it all looked pretty attractive for awhile.
But Sam and I have talked. I will attempt to get orders back to my old duty station in VA, and then I will be done. We want a house to make memories in. We want a family. We want lifelong friends that we will see on a regular basis. I'm already half way to my MSN anyways. Who needs two masters degrees? There are so many other things that matter to me besides money and power. I need to remember that.

In other news, cycle day 10. Ultrasound on Tuesday. Hopefully I don't ovulate before then. I have little faith, but I hope that this is our cycle. I always hope.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

I've been thinking....

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about Navy career, finishing grad school, life, death, marriage, and how in the hell we are ever going to build a family. I want so badly to be optimistic about letrozole. I want to just believe that we are meant to be parents and that we've waited long enough, it has to be our turn. But then I remember that life is not fair. Things don't always happen just because you want them bad enough, or you deserve them. I've had a long history of life not being fair. I can choose to dwell on these things- my infertility, my broken family, my father's death-or I can choose to be grateful for the beautiful things that I have in my life.
Sam and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but we were married twice. We eloped on Feb 12th of 2007 in Charlottesville, VA at a beautiful little B&B. We didn't have the money for a big wedding yet and our parents wanted us to get married at home. Sam's mom was away in Iraq for the whole year coming up, so we snuck off and had a quiet little wedding alone, just the two of us. We were just babies when I look back. Sam was only 23 and I was 25. But we knew we wanted to be together and we knew we couldn't wait. I wouldn't change it for anything. We had our big wedding in May 2008 when we could afford it. We didn't tell many people that we were already married so we got the best of both words. A big party with all of our family and friends and a small intimate ceremony with just the two of us.
I am so proud of the man my husband has become and he is the best thing in my life. Sam is far from perfect ( and so am I!) but he has proven through and through that he is the calm, stable, consistent, and easy going one in our relationship. I need to remember this and be more grateful.
I guess I've just been focusing on my inability to give Sam a child. Feeling sorry for myself, letting myself slip into complete negativity. Time to turn over a new leaf and see the good side of things. Gotta start somewhere right?

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Cycle Day 2

When is this shit gonna be over? Seriously! I'm cycle day 2, yet another bust of a cycle, yet another tear shed. I start my letrozole tomorrow. So I can be disappointed again in another 30 days. At least it's something to make the time pass, right? I feel so close to just screaming out loud "I CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN". I'm sick of people asking me if I'm pregnant or if we're going to have kids. I'm sick of hating every pregnant woman I see. I'm sick of wondering if they "deserve" this pregnancy. I'm sick of people telling me I should be grateful for what I have. I'm not grateful. I'm feeling rather ungrateful. I'm feeling downright resentful.
I'm just a big ole ball of negativity today folks, so sorry! I had a fantastic time in Germany. The Packers won the superbowl (GO PACK! I'm from Wisconsin). I just finished my homework for the week. I'm caught up at work. I should be feeling good....but I don't. I feel sad, empty, like a big fat failure. If someone has a reason to smile please tell me so I can join in :(